Headshots $340
Includes: 30-min session | Private online gallery, high res | 5 retouched | Consultation, Client Questionnaire, & Pinterest Board Collaboration | Up to 2 outfits/looks | 1 location
Corporate/Team Headshots of 3 or more people (on-site of business or in-studio)
$230 per person
Includes: Private online gallery, high res | 2 retouched images | Consultation & Client Questionnaire | 1 outfit/look | 1 location
Standard headshots are typically tighter shots (from the waist up) and allow for people to see who you are. These are great to use for websites, print, advertising, business cards, LinkedIn, and other marketing purposes. If you're looking to represent your brand more appropriately - bringing more of your character out and showcasing what you do, take a look at booking a Personal/Business Branding session.